Saturday, November 29, 2008

Windsor Great Park

I recently spent a weekend as a guest of the Queen Mother at Cumberland Lodge near Windsor Castle. In between a series of scheduled bars (including one before and after both lunch and dinner) the International Relations department discussed such lofty and pertinent topics as dilemmas of China's rise, partnerships amongst India, Brazil, and South Africa, reflections on the end of the world, the decline of America, and the death of capitalism. Mulling such things over whilst surrounded by such finery and decadence, really put the champagne in champagne socialist.

The Royal Lodge:

The Royal Landscape:


sch said...

Is "scheduled bar" proper English for "happy hour?" If so, I might have to start using that. It sounds so much more official and professional.

Champagne Socialist said...

Yes! It is and you should.

Dilettard07 said...

These photos could be an inspration for a painter from the Norwich School.

Or some very challenging jigsaw puzzles.

Champagne Socialist said...

Did you do jigsaw puzzles as a child? Something tells me you did...

Dilettard07 said...

New Hampshire has long winters.

Anonymous said...

your pictures are gorgeous- you should print them and have them framed

Alex Deley said...

I don't think you understand the term "Champagne Socialist". The term refers to someone who professes socialist politics; while being part of the moneyed aristocracy ergo their lavish lifestyle is ironically at odds with their claimed political convictions. Sir Alex Ferguson's recent claims to socialism in the New Statesman ( perfectly embody the concept.